
The article proves that outsourcing technologies are actively formed in industries prone to rapid change, where the providers of outsourcing servicesare outsourcing companies, and the customers are outsourcing companies. The creation of such technologies allows each company to follow the pathof specialization of only a few of its competencies and at the same time establish close relationships necessary for the integration of differentcompetencies. The flexibility of these relationships allows you to quickly adapt to external changes, to ensure sustainable competitiveness of theenterprise. In the world practice of outsourcing, the leading positions in the transfer of services to third parties are information technology, the shareof this type of outsourcing is 28%, 11% in the financial sector, 15% in the sales and marketing sector and 9% in the management sector. Themanufacturing sector accounts for 14%, and the remaining 22% belong to other various sectors, such as tourism, services, logistics, real estatemanagement, etc. In 2019, $ 1.9 trillion was spent on outsourcing. More than $ 176 million wages have been relocated to Asian and African countriesdue to cheaper labor. Some economists predict that by 2025, more than 3.5 million jobs will be outsourced in the United States, China and India.Services in the field of logistics and patenting of intellectual property do not occupy a large market share. This is due to the high cost of this type of service and their significant role in ensuring the stability and sustainability of the business. According to the IDC rating, the clear leader in the field ofpatent services is the US company - IBM GlobalServices. The authors conducted a detailed analysis of the practice of translation services in the fieldof patenting and information technology at industrial enterprises in the North-Eastern industrial region of Ukraine. Specific scientific andmethodological recommendations for the development of the market for outsourcing of patent and information services for industrial enterprises ofUkraine are proposed.

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