
We study out-of-time-ordered correlators (OTOC) in hard-core boson models with short-range and long-range hopping and compare the results to the OTOC in the Luttinger liquid model. For the density operator, a related `commutator function' starts at zero and decays back to zero after the passage of the wavefront in all three models, while the wavefront broadens as $t^{1/3}$ in the short-range model and shows no broadening in the long-range model and the Luttinger liquid model. For the boson creation operator, the corresponding commutator function shows saturation inside the light cone in all three models, with similar wavefront behavior as in the density-density commutator function, despite the presence of a nonlocal string in terms of Jordan-Wigner fermions. For the long-range model and the Luttinger liquid model, the commutator function decays as power law outside the light cone in the long time regime when following different fixed-velocity rays. In all cases, the OTOCs approach their long-time values in a power-law fashion, with different exponents for different observables and short-range vs long-range cases. Our long-range model appears to capture exponents in the Luttinger liquid model (which are found to be independent of the Luttinger parameter in the model). This conclusion also bears on the OTOC calculations in conformal field theories, which we propose correspond to long-ranged models.

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