
The aim was to study the outcome of alternative methods of teaching Psychology on performance among college students. The sample consisted of females, aged between 19-21 years studying in degree Government College. A purposive sampling and before-after experimental-control group design was opted for the study. The sample were administered GHQ as a screening tool to rule out any recent psychopathology in the students. Students with below cut-off scores were administered an intelligence test and only students with average ability were selected for the study. Later on these students were administered digit span test and students with and above digit span of five were further considered for the study. After this the students were administered an objective pre-test on the topics related to psychology. Later the students were randomly divided into 2 groups of experimental and control group. The experimental group were exposed to one month of 4 days a week of alternative method of teaching including power point presentation, assignment submission, group discussion, seminar presentation, documentary screening, collecting material related from newspapers and internet, collage making, dumb sharads activity, pick and speak activity, interactive lecture, self-learning, using case studies, field visit etc. the control group was exposed to regular teaching method. After a month of exposure an objective post-test was done on both the groups. ‘t’ test was conducted to determine the significant difference between mean scores of experimental and control group after the two teaching methods. The results indicated that experimental group had shown significantly better performance on objective test than control group. Such brief alternative methods can be part of the college programmes to promote better performance among students.

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