
This paper discusses how a building facade design possess an immense significant effect on thermal value transfer on building envelopes. The thermal transfer from outside into the building through the building envelope affects the thermal conditions in the building. Hence it determines the energy requirements in the room, such as the need for indoor air conditioning. Calculation on the southwest facade of Suara Merdeka Tower Semarang using the Ecotect software with the result that the OTTV (Overall Thermal Transfer Value) reaches above 35 W/m2 that is 59.44 W/m2. This facade is the face of the building as well as the smallest facade area. This smallest area remarkably influences on conditions in the building since the combination of glass types dominate and no shading devices on the entire side of the building. Solar radiation falls directly on the Southwest side after 12.00 pm and is not shadowed at all (overshadowed by 0%). This study simulates the redesign of the southwest façade and recalculates the OTTV value after the redesign process using the Ecotect software. The result obtained is a decrease in OTTV value by up to 35% after redesign recommendation applied.

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