
The Turkish War of Independence, i.e. (the war of liberation), also known as (the War of Independence) or (the national campaign), took place (May 19, 1919 - July 24, 1923) between the Turkish national movement and the allies ( Greece) on the Western Front, and Armenia on The Eastern Front, France on the Southern Front, and the royalists and separatists in different cities, and in addition to them; the United Kingdom and Italy in Constantinople (now Istanbul) - after parts of the Ottoman Empire were occupied and divided after the Ottoman defeat in World War I in 1914, few British, French and Italian occupation forces Spread or participated in the hostilities, the Turkish National Movement in Anatolia resulted in the formation of a new major national assembly led by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and his colleagues, after the end of the war on the Armenian Turkish, French, Turkish and Turkish Greek fronts (often referred to as the Eastern Front, Southern Front, and Western Front of War Respectively), the Treaty of Sèvres was abolished in the year 1920 AD, and the Kars (October 1921) and Lausanne (July 1923) treaties were signed. The Allies left Anatolia and Eastern Thrace, and the Grand National Assembly of Turkey decided to establish a republic in Turkey, whose establishment was declared on October 29, 1923, with the establishment of the Turkish national movement and the division of the Ottoman Empire and the abolition of the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman Empire ended and its era. After Ataturk made some reforms, the Turks established the modern secular national state of Turkey on the political front. On March 3, 1924, the Ottoman caliphate was formally abolished and the last caliphate was exiled.

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