
This research looked at how four historical wars during the Ottoman empire had effects on European attitudes and views on 21st century Muslim immigration. These wars included the War of Granada, the Polish Ottoman War, and the Balkan Wars including the Armenian Genocide. One prominent leader, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, and the leader of the War of Turkish Independence was also researched. The research provides an overview of European challenges regarding the integration of Muslim immigrants, and how the rise in social and political animosities towards Muslims has caused major concerns for European state governments. This includes Muslim lack of cultural assimilation into host nation communities and a rise in Islamic extremism and Islamophobia. A mixed methodology approach was used to research historical literature on the four main wars and on modern-day immigration issues and security concerns, and statistical data from EUROstats on the number of immigrants coming into EU countries, and how these countries rank in terrorist threats. Two theories; Intergroup Threat Theory and Social Identity Theory were researched to recognize how fear, resulting from stereotypes can result in hostility towards certain groups. The research shows that European attitudes towards Muslim immigrants, and the atrocities on civilians during the four main wars during the Ottoman empire, have revived a deeply rooted negative view of Muslims.

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