
Macro- and microstructures of the sagitta, asteriscus, and lapillus of juveniles of Malawian characid Hemigrammopetersius barnardi were observed. The sagittae were arrowhead shaped and showed development of rostra. Increments in the sagitta were observable until the bases of the rostra but were invisible in the rostra. The asteriscus had an irregular shape with an ambiguous core and notches at the margin. The ambiguous core of the asteriscus led to difficulty in discerning the first increment. The lapilli were round and fan shaped. Increments in the lapilli were distinct from the core to the margin. The daily increment deposition was validated by alizarin complexone treatment, and the increments increased at the rate of 1 day−1 after hatching. These features suggested that in this species the lapillus is most appropriate for daily increment analysis. The hatching months were estimated based on the lapillus increment counts, and the results showed that this species continuously hatched in the rainy season for 6 months from November to April. The growth trajectory indicated that H. barnardi attains a total length of 50 mm within 4 months of hatching.

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