
The Population Control and Family Planning (or Family Welfare, as in India) is a multi-disciplinary subject with a host of issues relevant to each discipline. Such issues are functionally very important and needs appropriate address at the time of programme implementation. The most crucial task is to identify the related issues that do not get escaped from the domain of programme management. Adequate time and application of mind have, therefore, to be invested to locate the issues relevant for the nationally important population control and family planning. Earlier, at Chap. 2, the issues arising from theories of economics, which border on macro level management area, have been discussed. Since economic development is also impacted in a very significant way by the population size and its load, the crucial micro issues assume equal importance in containing the growth of population. Such micro-issues happen to be very important from programme management angle. Issue-based micro-management can only ensure intended outcome. Such issues include, Demographic Issue, Social Issue, Cultural Issue, Gender Issue, Socio-religious Issue, Religious Issue, Political Issue, Contraceptive Issue, Health Issue, Child Care Issue, Educational Issue, Population Education issue, Media Issue, Information, Education and Communication Issue, Legal Issue. Organisational Issues and Social Security Issue In this chapter, attempts have been made to analyse the contributing power and strength of each of these issues to make big impact to check in a significant manner the runaway population growth of our country.

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