
Bone wound healing after surgical drilling/cutting initially involves a typical inflammatory response with a leukocyte-rich cell infiltrate whose professional phagocytes (neutrophils and macrophages) clear the wound site of various bacterial (if present), particulate, and insoluble components arising from the original wounding event. As part of this process, in a surgical model of bone repair in rats, osteopontin (OPN) secreted by macrophages – with its known mineral-binding properties arising from abundant calcium-binding phosphorylations and overall net negative charge – binds to the newly exposed mineralized surfaces of particulate bone debris and the osseous wound margins created by the drilling, as shown by high-resolution immunogold labeling and transmission electron microscopy. For bone debris powder, OPN serves as an opsonin for clearance by macrophage phagocytosis, as demonstrated in vitro by phagocytosis assays using cultured J774.A1 murine macrophages and OPN-coated microbeads. Macrophage-secreted OPN binding to the bone wound margins contributes to cement line (plane) formation with subsequent OPN additions to the cement line coming from osteoblast lineage cells arriving at this site to effect bone repair upon further osteoblast differentiation, and extracellular matrix deposition and mineralization. Such interfacial OPN is thought to contribute to the cell adhesion, cell signaling, and matrix mineralization events required to effectively integrate the new bone into the preexisting bone at the margins of the drill site.

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