
Oscillator strength f-values for L-shell transitions inhighly ionized sulfur are studied by the beam–foil technique at theHI-13 tandem accelerator in China Institute of Atomic Energy. Thelifetimes of the upper levels 2s2p 1Po1, 2p2 1S0,2p2 3P1, 2p2 3P2, 2p2 3P0 ofBe-like sulfur are measured to be 129±4, 81±5, 165±7,159±8, 176±11 ps. By using the measuredlifetimes, the f-values are calculated to be 0.074, 0.082, 0.060,0.066, 0.229, 0.056, 0.083, 0.089, 0.028 for the transitions2s22p2 3P1–2s2p3 3Po1, 2s22p2Po3/2–2s2p2 2P1/2, 2s2p24P3/2–2p3 4So3/2, 2s22p2Po1/2–2s2p2 2D3/2, 2s2 1S0–2s2p1Po1, 2s2p1Po1–2p2 1S0,2s2p3Po0–2p2 3P1, 2s2p3Po2–2p2 3P2 and 2s2p3Po1–2p2 3P0. Most of the experimental resultsare in agreement with theoretical studies, but differ slightly fromthe previous experimental data.

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