
AbstractTidal evolution of low-eccentric circumbinary planets is expected to drive the rotational evolution toward a pseudo-synchronous solution. In this work, we present a study of the oscillation amplitudes around this state by considering that the two central stars exert creep tides on the planet. These amplitudes are computed by direct numerical integrations of the creep equations and also by means of the calculation of the coefficients of the periodic terms in this stationary solution. As in the two-body-problem, the planetary spin and lag-angle are observed to have maximum oscillation amplitudes for stiff bodies and almost null oscillation for the gaseous regime, while the opposite behaviour is observed in the equatorial and polar flattenings. Our analytical approximation shows to be very accurate and specially necessary for very-low eccentric planets. However, the magnitudes of the oscillation amplitudes around the pseudo-synchronous solution in the circumbinary problem appears to be very small respect to the mean value. Thus, considering these oscillation in the computation of the tidal energy dissipation may not have a substantial contribution in the results, at least compared to the case in which only the mean values are taken into account.

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