
OSAHS是一种常见的睡眠呼吸疾患,可导致多系统并发症,增加心血管疾病发病率及死亡率,严重影响患者健康,甚至引起交通安全隐患,近年来成为呼吸医学界关注的新焦点。大量研究证明OSAHS是2型糖尿病、胰岛素抵抗的独立危险因素。合并OSAHS的2型糖尿病患者血糖控制往往疗效欠佳。有效的持续正压通气治疗(CPAP)在一定程度上能够使OSAHS合并糖代谢紊乱的患者获益。故,糖尿病或糖尿病高风险患者应常规行OSAHS筛查,以便早期诊断、早期干预及个体化治疗。 Obstructive Sleep Apnoea-Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS) is a highly prevalent respiratory disorder which can lead to multiple complications and contribute to high morbidity and mortality of cardi-ovascular disease and high risk of traffic accident. It has aggressively affected the public health and aroused increasing concern in respiratory medicine recently. Current evidence supports an independent association between OSAHS and insulin resistance, glucose intolerance and the risk of type 2 diabetes, independent of obesity. Additionally, OSAHS often leads to worse glycaemic control in diabetics. Efficient CPAP therapy can benefit OSAHS patients with impaired glucose metabolism. In conclusion, diabetics or patients with high risk of diabetes should be routinely screened for early diagnosis, early intervention and individualized treatment for OSAHS.

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