
An orthodontic measurement and simulation system (OMSS) is presented. The major components of this system are two measuring tables each comprising a force/torque sensor and a motor driven, fully three-dimensionally adjustable positioning stage. The force/torque sensors are capable of measuring simultaneously all forces and torques acting on a tooth. Using the computer program "OMSS" which runs on a personal computer, several different measurements can be conducted. On the one hand, the system supports absolute measurements such as the registration of a force/deflection diagram. Furthermore, even multidimensional force/deflection- or torque/distance curves can be measured. On the other hand, simulations of orthodontic tooth movement can be conducted. In such simulations, the force system acting on a tooth is measured and the resulting tooth movements are calculated. By using this "computer typodont", not only the static but the dynamic behaviour of orthodontic appliances can be studied. The application of this system is demonstrated by the analysis of several orthodontic problems.

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