
Background: Orthodontic treatment is closely related to the physiological changes of the pulp and periodontal tissues, with no exception to the non-vital tooth. That tooth is having significant physiological changes due to the absence of vascularisation problems, which would affect the solitary structures around the tooth. Orthodontic treatment in non vital tooth is such a challange to the dentists in determining treatment planning, it was all caused by physiology and pathology changing that might appear during or even after the orthodontic treatment. Objective: Explains about orthodontic treatment in a non vital tooth after having an endodontic treatment. Conclusion: Orthodontic treatment in a non-vital tooth showed a good prognosis because of the absence of cementoblast which is inducted by pulp vascularisation. Beside that, there are some risks that might appear after the tooth being treated by orthodontic treatment, those are pseudooverfilling, reactivation of the previous lesion, the incrase of partial/total regression, the increase of endodontic lesion, apical root resorption, ankylosis, or even dental fracture.


  • Orthodontictreatment isclosely related to thephysiologicalchangesofthe pulp

  • Orthodontictreatment innonvitaltoothissuch a challange to the dentists in determining treatment planning

  • all caused by physiology and pathology changing that might appear during

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Orthodontictreatment isclosely related to thephysiologicalchangesofthe pulp and periodontal tissues, with no exception to the non-vital tooth. Pada gigi non vital yang telah dirawat endodontik, pembuluh darah telah digantikan oleh bahan pengisi saluran akar, yang mengakibatkan semua proses inflamasi dan aliran nutrisi terhadap jaringan periodontal akan berkurang dibanding gigi yang vital sehingga meningkatkanrisikoresorpsiakar gigi.Jaringanperiodontal yang kekurangan aliran darah tidak lagi fleksibel, mengecil dan pergerakan orthodontik semakin sulitdilakukan.2Namunberbeda denganpenelitiantersebut menyatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan panjang resorpsi akar sebesar 0,2 mm pada gigi yang telah dirawat endodontik dan gigi yang vital,[5] Mirabella dan Artun[3] menemukan perbedaan tersebut sebanyak 0,4 mm, Spurrier et al[4] juga menemukan rerata panjang resorpsi yang lebih tinggi yakni 0,7 mm. Perawatan ortodontik pada gigi non vital Gaya ortodontik normal dapat diberikan pada gigi yang telah dirawat saluran akar selama perawatan, se-

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