
Abstract A field study was conducted at the Texas A&M Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Corpus Christi to determine the efficacy of acephate applied at different rates and formulations to control cotton fleahopper. Cotton was planted 6 Apr in 38-inch rows, one month later than normal to insure intense fleahopper pressure during squaring. Plots were 4 rows wide by 40 ft long with each treatment replicated 6 times in a randomized complete block design. The soil type was Victoria sandy clay loam. Shortly after planting, the 0.125 lb (AI)/acre and 0.25 lb (AI)/acre 10G slow release acephate granules, and 0.25 lb (AI)/acre 5G fast release acephate granules were applied in the bed 3-inches below the soil surface and 4 inches to the side of the seed row. On 30 May (6th true leaf, pinhead square), the foliar application of 0.25 lb (AI)/acre Orthene 75S was applied with a backpack sprayer calibrated to deliver four gal of solution/acre in a 20-inch wide band. Bollworms and fleahoppers were sampled on 22 and 30 May, 11 and 21 Jun, and 2 Jul. Blooms were counted daily in 6.8 ft of row per plot for 21 days starting on 10 Jun. Beneficial insects were sampled utilizing a D-Vac suction machine on a 20 ft2 area per plot. Seed cotton was hand-harvested from a desginated 26-ft section of row in each plot.

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