
Relational screening model based on general screening model was used in this study, which aims to test whether the optimism-pessimism levels and religious orientation of secondary school students are a significant predictor of psychological well-being levels.The working universe of the research is high school students studying in secondary schools affiliated to Samsun Provincial Directorate of National Education in the 2019-2020 academic year. The sample of the study consists of 472 students selected by simple random element sampling method. In order to collect research data, personal information form “Religious orientation scale, Psychological well-being scale and Optimism-Pessimism Scale in Adolescents” were used. In addition to descriptive statistics, pearson moments product correlation technique and linear regression analysis technique were used in the analysis of the data. According to the findings obtained from the research, there is a positive relationship with psychological well-being and optimism and a negative relationship with pessimism. In addition, it has been determined that there is a positive relationship between psychological well-being and inner religious orientation, strict normative religious orientation and external religious orientation. On the other hand, the level of relati-onship between psychological well-being and questioning religious orientation was not significant. According to the findings related to the predictive level of the sub-dimensions of optimism, pessimism, and religious orientation scale, the level of optimism is the strongest predictor of psychological well-being. In addition, it was concluded that the sub-dimension of external religious orientation is a signifi-cant predictor of psychological well-being, and the level of predicting that pessimism and other religi-ous orientations are psychological well-being is not significant. Suggestions were made based on the findings obtained from the research.

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