
ABSTRACT The present study investigates the origin and significance of the vernacular appellations of 83 toxic plants solicited in the traditional phytotherapy of the Moroccan central Middle Atlas. The vernacular names attributed to those medicinal plants were collected from some phytotherapists during ethnobotanical surveys and through various bibliographical sources. It appears that the listed plants have different vernacular names in Arabic and/or Berber dialect; but, only the origin of the appellation of 47 species was clarified. This denomination essentially finds its origin in descriptors related to the morphology of the plants, their secretions and their uses, and sometimes, it evokes legends, habitats and animal organs. Certainly, the identification of plants on the basis of asserted taxonomic criteria is unavoidable, but, the vernaculars remain faithful indicators especially since they are part of the intangible Moroccan culture and heritage.

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