
Ever since the epoch of the spontaneous breaking of grand unification symmetry between the nuclear and electromagnetic interactions, the universe has expanded under the imprint of a spectrum of density fluctuations that is generally considered to have originated in this phase transition. I will discuss various possibilities for the form of the primordial fluctuation spectrum, spanning the range of adiabatic fluctuations, isocurvature fluctuations, and cosmic strings. Growth of the seed fluctuations by gravitational instability generates the formation of large-scale structures, from the scale of galaxies to that of clusters and superclusters of galaxies. There are three areas of confrontation with observational cosmology that will be reviewed. The large-scale distribution of the galaxies, including the apparent voids, sheets and filaments, and the coherent peculiar velocity field on scales of several tens of megaparsecs, probe the primordial fluctuation spectrum on scales that are only mildly nonlinear. Even larger scales are probed by study of the anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which provides a direct glimpse of the primordial fluctuations that existed about 106 years or so after the initial big bang singularity. Galaxy formation is the process by which the building blocks of the universe have formed, involving a complex interaction between hydrodynamical and dynamical processes in a collapsing gas cloud. Both by detection of forming galaxies in the most remote regions of the universe and by study of the fundamental morphological characteristics of galaxies, which provide a fossilized memory of their past, can one relate the origin of galaxies to the same primordial fluctuation spectrum that gave rise' to the large-scale structure of the universe.

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