
One of the predictions of the inflationary scenario of cosmology is that the initial spectrum of primordial density fluctuations (PDFs) must have the Harrison-Zeldovich (HZ) form. Here, in order to test the inflationary scenario, predictions of the microwave background radiation (MBR) anisotropies measured by COBE are computed based on large-scale data for the universe and assuming Omega-1 and the HZ spectrum on large scales. It is found that the minimal scale where the spectrum can first enter the HZ regime is found, constraining the power spectrum of the mass distribution to within the bias factor b. This factor is determined and used to predict parameters of the MBR anisotropy field. For the spectrum of PDFs that reaches the HZ regime immediately after the scale accessible to the APM catalog, the numbers on MBR anisotropies are consistent with the COBE detections and thus the standard inflation can indeed be considered a viable theory for the origin of the large-scale structure in the universe.

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