
The nematode Orientatractis brycini sp. nov. (Atractidae) is described from the intestine of Brycinus macrolepidotus Valenciennes (Alestidae) and Xenocharax spilurus Gunther (Distichodontidae) collected in two localities from Gabon, Africa. The new species is characterized by the presence of four submedian lips with well-sclerotized pieces armed with two recurved pointed spines and one median large spine on their distal part, along with two smaller spines posterior to amphidial pores. It differs from its congeners mainly in the length of both spicules, gubernaculum, presence of two lateral spines posterior to amphids, distribution and number of caudal papillae. An emended generic diagnosis is provided. This is the eighth species in the genus Orientatractis, the fourth from fish hosts and the first from Africa, which expands its geographical distribution.

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