
Pedagogical requests focus on the personality of the supporting teaching staff and professional skills. In this sense, a series of personality traits emerge that represent defining elements with which they must be endowed and without which one cannot be actively and effectively involved in the activity of individualized training and support for students with special learning needs: flexibility , empathy, positivism, constructivism, creativity, collaboration. The conceptualization of individualized instruction is done from the perspective of the relationship between the two agents promoting learning: the learner and the support learner. At the level of mainstream education, the specialized educational service is carried out by the support teaching staff who collaborate with the teacher offering support in the effective integration of students with special educational requirements. Students with CES benefit from this support throughout their preschool and school education. The intervention of the support teacher actively contributes to the process of transforming schools from an inclusive perspective, and his role is not only to provide individualized educational assistance to children with CES, but also to support the teaching staff in mainstream education. The success of inclusion is determined by the partnership between the two for the optimal functioning of the bodies involved and by the active presence of the supporting teaching staff in the creation of adapted teaching materials, specific work and assessment tools participating in both school and extracurricular activities . The conceptualization represents the foundation regarding the development of a methodology of intervention of the support teacher in the organization and implementation of the individualized training of children with CES.

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