
Ambidextrous search behaviors that jointly looking for technological and market knowledge gain attention in the innovation management literature. This study treats the ambidextrous search behaviors as a technology-market search paradox and examines the effect of organizational slack on the paradox and further explore whether this paradox has synergistic effects on performance in high-tech small medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Besides, by integrating the literature of ambidextrous search and strategic management, we seek to understand the roles of strategic orientations, including growth-oriented and profit-oriented, in SMEs’ technology-market search paradox. Based on panel data of 547 high-tech SMEs, we find that organizational slack promotes both technology and market search, and ambidextrous search separately enhance high-tech SMEs’ performance, while the interaction of technology search and market search is negatively related to performance. Further, a growth-oriented strategy positively moderates the link between organizational slack and ambidextrous search and a profit-oriented strategy reinforces the relationship between organizational slack and technology search. We further enrich search-related and strategic literature.

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