
Organizations nowadays need to improve their performance, which is why it is necessary to have all the elements that are part of their administration, especially in the financial area. These SMEs (industrial processing, service and assembly) that have been investigated were found to lack financial information in relation to their production costs and support in terms of internal control elements, accounting records, as well as the calculation of return on investment and recovery of the same, which is achieved through the sale price of products and services offered. The small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that were investigated and derived from their problems, the objective of this study is to show the improvements established for each participating entity and the recommendations suggested at the end of the project as a contribution to this research. The methodology suggested in the participating economic entities, following a description of them, in a period of time and by convenience sample and the application of a procedure consisting of a series of several four stages: analysis of financial data, improvement of internal control of operations, accounting records and determination of unit cost and % of profitability. Contributing in this inquiry this series of procedure and carrying it out, gives the certainty of contributing to a better performance of each one of the organizations and allowing with it to generate valuable financial information and profitability with percentage analysis

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