
The efforts made for organizational development are initially oriented towards the groups. The far-sightedness of the efforts to accomplish organizational development and is considered to be a predicament and the managers and staffs should be committed to the long-time application of the program and support it. Methodology: Organisational development movement which emerged in the late 20th century and reached its maturity in the last decade, is based on the assumptions that are in line with elevated humanistic values. Organizational development stems from empowerment and actualization of human nature and potentials, i.e “human development”. It also considered the human being as the main essence and fundamental factor of any change and evolution. Results: This study has shown that organizational commitment augments the job performance and obedient organizational behavior. As a result, job abandonment, absence and lateness decrease. Conclusion: This study examines organizational development, goals, presumptions, fundamental values, strategies, origins, definitions, and features of organizational development. It also scrutinizes the main components of an organizational development plan and the indexes to assess it. Finally, a key index namely organizational commitment is discussed.

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