
The article discusses the features of formation and development of organizational culture of the University as customer-centric technology. The phenomenon of organizational culture is an essential resource for improving the competitiveness of the University, innovative development, indicators of international and research activities of the University. Stream organizational culture external (students, parents, employers) and internal (students, faculty, University administration, staff / employees) customers of the University determines the integration of elements of organizational culture of University in business environment of enterprises, through the involvement of graduates in professional environment. Organizational culture plays a very active role in the governance of higher education institution. At the present level of development of the market of educational services with the introduction of the national project of modernization of the education system organizational culture becomes a significant part of the formation of the University as an economic entity. It is a powerful factor in increasing the attractiveness of higher education institutions for potential consumers of educational and other services, as well as his staff. Organizational culture affects each student during his adaptation and socialization, psychological growth and learning at the University. Organizational culture and, after graduation, is in a symbiotic relationship with the employee as the object of professional activity. Potential employee during the period of study at the University “consumes” the historically established values of the University, participates in the established and developing its traditions, abides by the norms and rules of behavior, adapts to the society through various kinds of symbolism of the University, etc. In turn, the organizational culture of the University, as a basis for the development and socialization of a young man, becoming an integral source of positioning of the student in the process of employment and professional activities. In the future professional activity of the specialist brings formed in the period of study in the University organizational culture in the workplace. Consumption of organizational culture of the students as customers of educational services necessitates consideration of the phenomenon of the position of customer focus. Customer-oriented approach is a system consisting of several major elements: customer-oriented philosophy of the organization, the product that meets the expectations of customers, internal processes, staff who are carriers of competences, customer service. Customer-oriented approach of the University has its own characteristics and limitations associated with the nature of educational services designed to meet the needs in education. Appropriate consideration of customer-oriented organizational culture of the University as a system of values, behavioral norms, traditions, rituals and symbols, focused on the internal or external client for the purpose of accounting and the implementation of its requirements and interests in the activities of educational institutions. The influence of customer-oriented organizational culture as an effective factor in the professionalization and labour market adaptation of University graduates. Analysis of the results of sociological research allowed to identify the main problems and prospects customer-oriented approach in the development of organizational culture of higher educational institutions. The results of the study highlighted the problem of continuity of norms and values formed within the organizational culture of the University, and the requirements of normative-value characteristics of graduates by employers. Differences in rating the importance of values and normative components of organizational culture of educational institutions and organizations can be seen as a barrier, hindering the process of employment and adaptation of graduates at the enterprises. This requires defining the requirements of the business community for higher education institutions in the development of the preferred set of cultural competencies necessary for the graduate to successfully realize their career aspirations in terms of a specific organization.

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