
The object of the study is the process of relocation of Ukrainian enterprises both within the country and abroad. The problem of the study, first of all, is that the relocation of business for domestic business entities was not very relevant recently, and the practical experience of moving capacities is practically absent. An analysis of the difficulties encountered by entrepreneurs when deciding to relocate the company was carried out. In addition, the study examines the enterprise relocation program proposed by the government and its shortcomings that make it difficult to use. It was determined that among the main problems of the state program of relocation are the insufficient information base and awareness of the existing program, the lack of established communication between the participants of the process. It was emphasized that entrepreneurs need additional financing for the time of adaptation and stabilization of their business in new regions, expansion of infrastructure in the form of creation of business incubators, business hubs and business accelerators. However, there are almost no innovative relocation companies in the studied regions. It is necessary to stimulate innovative activity with long-term sectoral development programs and fiscal incentives, since the relocation of enterprises in modern conditions is an effective tool for the restoration of entrepreneurial activity in new regions of the country, which in turn ensures the relative stability of the economy, provides jobs, guarantees the production of national products and services, as well as the possibility of their implementation on the international market. Potential solutions have been analyzed and determined, which can contribute to revitalizing the relocation of businesses and making the process more successful. However, this requires state support and additional funding, which will help bring the enterprise relocation program to a new level, which in turn will help enterprises to continue their activities and have a positive impact on the state's economy. This study can become a reference point for Ukrainian business in the near future. Also, the research can be useful for the authorities, the public and the university environment.

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