
The problems of strategic and operational management of industrial enterprises in modern conditions of global instability cannot be effectively solved, as in the recent past. New approaches, methods and models are needed that would take into account the complexities of managing industrial enterprises in modern business conditions. Purpose of the study. It is necessary to create a new adaptive approach to the strategic and operational management of industrial enterprises, which would take into account the accelerating dynamics of international markets, as well as the factors of indirect and direct impact on the enterprise, which mainly determine its adaptability. Materials and methods. The main provisions of the conceptual basis of strategic and operational management of industrial enterprises, as well as a set of mathematical models for the implementation of this process are presented. Results. The materials formulated in the article on the preparation and adoption of managerial decisions allow the owners and managers of industrial enterprises to assess all aspects of this process in interrelation and form, in essence, a new paradigm for the functioning of industrial enterprises in conditions of military-political and socio-economic instability in the world, as well as the introduction various sanctions on the part of Western countries in relation to Russian industrial enterprises. At the same time, it becomes possible to take into account the factors of direct and indirect impact on industrial enterprises, which have become especially important in recent years. Conclusion. The approach presented in this article to the formation of the conceptual basis of strategic and operational management of industrial enterprises is, in essence, new and relevant, allowing company shareholders to form promising strategies for the development of industrial enterprises in conjunction with the procedures for operational management of the current activities of enterprises. Thus, the preparation and adoption of decisions on the management of industrial enterprises, both at the strategic and operational levels, becomes possible to carry out on the basis of a holistic algorithm based on the complex of models and methods of strategic and operational management of industrial enterprises developed by the author.


  • Проблемы стратегического и оперативного управления промышленными предприятиями в современных условиях глобальной нестабильности не могут эффективно решаться, так же как и в недалеком прошлом

  • Эти соображения также полностью соответствуют известному постулату о том, что глобальный оптимум системы не может быть равен сумме ее локальных оптимумов

  • Подготовка и принятие решений по управлению промышленными предприятиями как на стратегическом, так и на оперативном уровне становится возможным осуществлять на основе целостного алгоритма, базирующегося на разработанном автором комплексе моделей и методов стратегического и оперативного управления промышленными предприятиями

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