
The effectiveness of the agricultural enterprise. - the most important qualitative characteristic of the enterprise. This is a category that expresses. compliance of the results and expenses of the enterprise with the goals of the activity and interests of owners. Economic assessment efficiency of the enterprise on the basis of indicators, which characterizes the effectiveness of various aspects of the enterprise, allows not only to find out how this result is obtained, but also to find ways to improve it. In turn, there is a definition of general reserves for improving economic efficiency, they are largely due to both the specifics of business activity and the stages of its production. Increasing economic efficiency, consider the unused cases of increasing the solution per unit of aggregate expenditures by making better use of all types of resources in the enterprise. Under market conditions, enterprises have gained full operational independence in choosing what and how much to produce, with whom to cooperate and to whom to sell their products, how to organize and plan processes accordingly. It is clear that this discretion is granted for the proper consideration of the market situation, its needs and requirements. The company strives to improve the efficiency of its operations, but only understanding of what depends on this efficiency can lead to positive results. Properly chosen production strategy and proper outputs provide the desired volume of sales and corresponding profits. Therefore, the activity of the company, finally, is rigidly determined by the overall economic situation, industry proportions and solvent demand of the population. The effectiveness of the enterprise depends on many factors, so the planning process must be preceded by a thorough analysis of both the existing situation and the capabilities of the enterprise. Thus, enterprise efficiency is a complex concept that reflects the end results of the use of resources over a period of time, the main feature of which may be the need to achieve the goal of production and economic activity of agricultural enterprises with the least cost of social work or time. Successful implementation of the enterprise development strategy implies the implementation of effective, efficient and competitive economic activity. The main factors for improving the efficiency of agricultural enterprises are to increase its technical level, improve management, organization of production and labor, change the volume and structure of production, improve the quality of natural resources and more. Efficiency improvement is possible only if a quality management system is formed, which in turn implies the imposition of strict requirements on managers at all levels. So, nowadays, increasing the efficiency of agricultural enterprises is attracting more and more attention. Enterprises in this field need modernization of production as a whole. In turn, the main factors for improving the efficiency of enterprises are to improve its technical level, improve management, organization of production and labor, change the volume and structure of production, improve the quality of natural resources. Only a skillful use of the whole system of these factors can ensure sufficient growth rates of production efficiency.

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