
The article is devoted to the description of the organization of training in a foreign language according to the method of rivalry / cooperation. The author investigated the possibilities of the practical application of such forms as cooperation and rivalry and their impact on the educational process. The relevance of this problem is due to the need for the search for new ways, methods, techniques for effective training of foreign students, the need to develop optimal technologies for the process of learning a foreign language by using cooperation and rivalry strategies; a lack of fundamental theoretical research and practical developments on the application of cooperation and rivalry in teaching foreign languages. The author studies examples of interactive games that students find most interesting and entertaining and shows various ways of organizing work in small groups. Among the most effective forms of pair and group work are internal (external) circles, brainstorm, zigzag reading, opinion exchange, paired interviews. Technologies of rivalry and cooperation should be used in the educational process in a complementary manner. To successfully form the abilities of oral professional communication, it is necessary to systematically use the entire arsenal of funds and techniques that implement strategies for cooperation and rivalry. The author describes the impact of these methods on the educational process, namely the stimulation of personal, intellectual activity, development of cognitive processes, formation of competencies that the future specialist should have.


  • IntroductionСтаття присвячена опису організації навчання іноземної мови за методом суперництва / співробітництва

  • The topicality of the research is due to the need to find new ways, methods, techniques, methods of effective teaching of foreign students, the need to develop optimal technologies for the process of teaching a foreign language through the use of strategies of cooperation and rivalry; a lack of fundamental theoretical research and practical development on the use of cooperation and competition in teaching a foreign language

  • In training based on cooperation/rivalry, we suggest using the game: “Roundtable”; “Scientific debate”; “Competition in small groups”; “Brainstorm”; “Situation” (A game that develops the ability to quickly react and fantasize); “Judicial sitting” (Playing with the distribution of roles and the search for constructive answers); “Training”

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Стаття присвячена опису організації навчання іноземної мови за методом суперництва / співробітництва. Организация обучения по методу сотрудничества / соперничества на занятиях по иностранному языку. Статья посвящена описанию организации обучения иностранному языку по методу соперничества / сотрудничества. Even if all the necessary conditions for creating and deploying a situation of verbal communication are met, full-fledged and effective communication often does not occur Teachers claim that this is due to the inability of students to listen to communication partners, maintain communication, and ask questions correctly and logically. This is explained by the insufficiently developed communicative ability of students, which manifests itself in the implementation of speech activity when the participants in communication are forced to formulate thoughts in a foreign language. The aim of the work is to describe the organization of teaching a foreign language by the method of rivalry/cooperation; to identify the possibilities of the practical application of such methods as cooperation and rivalry and their impact on the educational process

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