
It is noted that russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine caused a complex of serious problems in the Ukrainian education: the forced relocation of a significant number of participants in the educational process outside the country, their experiencing the consequences of traumatic stress, transformation of the educational process itself (development of digital and distance education, in particular on-line one), destruction and damage of educational institutions as a result of military actions, etc.
 The main features of the organization of the educational process in the conditions of military aggression on the part of russia are considered: formation of applicants' understanding of the importance of valuing one's own life, safety and psychological health; focusing not so much transfer of academic knowledge and formation of practical skills, but on organization of high-quality communication and psychological support of students of higher educational establishments; in the process of developing educational tasks and the tasks for independent work and evaluation criteria for them, the psycho-emotional state of those who study must be taken into account; to overcome the feeling of helplessness (as one of the manifestations of distress), it is necessary to involve students of higher education in various extracurricular activities, and above all, activities aimed at helping other people (or animals) who found themselves in difficult life circumstances;
 A certain algorithm for provision of psychological first aid to students of higher educational establishments has been defined. This algorithm provides assistance step by step and taking into account certain aspects. The first step is to be close to. The second is manifestation of initiative, support for effective actions. The third step is thought-provoking questions. The fourth step is situational awareness. It is important to tell the victim what happened before and after the situation. The direct connection between the provision of psychological support to students of educational establishments and emotional burnout of teachers is outlined, as well as ways to prevent emotional burnout among participants of the educational process.

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