In the forebrain of domestic chicks, a network of distinct regions is crucially involved in auditory and visual filial imprinting. Among these areas, a distinct part of the dorsocaudal neostriatal complex (dNC complex), termed neostriatum dorsocaudale (Ndc), was recently discovered by its enhanced metabolic activity during the presentation of auditory and visual imprinting stimuli. Since there is evidence that the dNC complex consists of several distinct functional subareas, we investigated the neural connections of different parts of the dNC complex by retro- and anterograde pathway tracing. Special emphasis was put on the connections of the dNC complex with other imprinting relevant regions in the rostral telencephalon, such as the mediorostral neostriatum/hyperstriatum ventrale (MNH) and the intermediate and medial part of the hyperstriatum ventrale (IMHV). By anterograde and multiple retrograde pathway tracing, we found that the dNC complex may at least be subdivided into three major constituents. The most medial part of the dNC complex, termed neostriatum dorsale (Nd), is characterized by strong reciprocal connections with the neostriatal part of the MNH and by its auditory related inputs, including those from the output layers L1 and L3 of field L, and the shell region of the thalamic n. ovoidalis. The Ndc, which occupies the central aspects of the dNC complex, is mainly characterized by reciprocal connections with the ectostriatal belt (Ep) and the adjacent neostriatum (N). Furthermore, Nd and Ndc receive strong thalamic input from the n. dorsolateralis posterior (DLP), both project to the IMHV, and both are reciprocally connected with the archistriatum intermedium (AI). The most lateral aspect of the dNC complex, termed Ndl, is characterized by afferents from the neostriatum frontale, pars trigeminalis (NFT), and by the lack of a thalamic input. Results indicate that the dNC complex comprises distinct subregions, which are characterized by their specific afferents from parasensory areas of different sensory modalities. These different subregions may be integral components of a general pattern of sensory processing in the avian telencephalon. The strong interconnections between Nd, Ndc, and MNH as well as IMHV may constitute essential parts of auditory and visual imprinting circuits. J. Comp. Neurol. 395:380–404, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Published Version
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