
The search for the most effective forms of the organization of the educational process in the lessons of the Russian language in the Ossetian school led to the methodology for identifying the organization of systematic repetition of educational material. The repetition of the material passed in the Russian language lessons in the National Audience today is very relevant in terms of improving the mental activity of students. Moreover, the material passed is the basis for which the explanation of the new material should be built. The main purpose of the study is to identify leading incentives for systematic repetition in the Russian language classes in the Ossetian school, formulating a repetition as an important didactic rule: the repetition periods must follow one after another, the skills acquired once not forgotten until the next time. The revealed generalizations, the basis of which the conceptual provisions and ideas of Yang Amos Komensesky and K. D. Ushinsky were based on analyzing the scientific circulation of many years of their own surveillance in school, where experienced teachers work on the repetition of the spelling of difficult sections of spelling and on spelling individual words. The advantage of the proposed repetition system is that, firstly, the repetition is systematically for a long period of time; Secondly, it is organically woven into a new material, and not something artificial; Thirdly, it does not violate the normal course of the pedagogical process and does not interfere with the timely study of new topics. The choice to repeat the partitions of grammar and spelling rules is determined in the article by their thematic interconnectedness of grammatical, spelling or punctuation. The author concluded that the repetition should begin with the first day of school at school and should be applied throughout the academic year.

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