
The article is written on a relevant topic, about the training of students in the direction of “Pedagogical education (with two training profiles)” profile “History-Social Studies” for local history research at school. The research is based on the competence-based approach, taking into account the system-activity approach to the organization of training. Considerable attention is paid to the formation of source study knowledge by organizing work with such sources on the history of the native land as chronicles, sources of personal origin and fiction during the teaching of the discipline “Local history at school”. One of its parts, laying down basic knowledge and skills, is the section “Sources and historiography of the study of the region history”, consisting of a series of lectures and practical exercises. The authors presented the methods of organizing the educational activities of students with local history literature: compiling chronological tables, biographical and bibliographic dictionaries, annotated lists, note-taking skills of scientific publications, developing excursion routes, quizzes, project implementation, etc. Methodological techniques for the formation of the corresponding skills and abilities of students are demonstrated on the example of the topic “Civil War in Russia”. It is concluded that such a multifaceted theoretical and practical work with sources on the history of the native land contributes to the formation of professional competencies of the future history teacher, prepares him for local history work and the organization of local history research at school.

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