
The article analyzes the features of the organization of physical culture and sports activities of student youth during judo classes. The state of physical culture and sports activities in the conditions of distance learning during the coronary virus pandemic is revealed. It is determined that judo classes are the most popular among students, which significantly increases their level of motivation to exercise. It was found that the optimization of physical culture and sports has a positive effect on improving the mental and physical condition and health of those involved. It is established that the need to organize physical culture and sports activities of students in the process of judo is due not only to the demands and rights of students, age, developmental conditions, constantly changing, but also the social order of society to form a healthy generation.
 However, the development of these innovative processes is constrained due to insufficient software and methodological support for new forms of physical education, as existing sports training programs for children and adolescents are focused on the preparation of sports reserves and are not designed for mass use in secondary school.
 However, the development of these innovative processes is constrained due to insufficient software and methodological support for new forms of physical education, as existing sports training programs for children and adolescents are focused on the preparation of sports reserves and are not designed for mass use in secondary school.


  • Physical culture in higher education is presented as an academic discipline and the most important component of the holistic development of the student's personality, the importance of which is manifested through the harmonization of spiritual and physical strength, the formation of universal values such as health, physical and mental well-being, physical perfection

  • The reduction and shortage of sports facilities, existing sports sections, clubs, accessible to a large number of all age groups involved, has led to the fact that only a small part of the population is currently involved in physical culture and sports activities

  • Most students are poorly informed about the real state of their health

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Організація фізкультурно-спортивної діяльності студентів у процесі занять дзюдо. Встановлено, що необхідність організації фізкультурно-спортивної діяльності студентів у процесі занять дзюдо зумовлена не лише запитами та правами особистості школярів, віковими особливостями їх розвитку, умовами життєдіяльності, що постійно змінюються, а й соціальним замовленням суспільства на формування здорового покоління. The attitude of students to physical culture and sports is one of the current socio-pedagogical problems of the educational process, further development and expansion of mass health, physical culture and sports work in higher education. The implementation of this task should be considered from two positions - as personally significant and as socially necessary. There is no personal responsibility of the vast majority of students, as well as the entire population for their own health, to themselves and to society

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