
Countries in various parts of the world are fighting the coronavirus or what is commonly known as COVID-19. The world continues to struggle to overcome the situation and return to normal life. The impacts that can be seen are limitations in activities, health problems and an impact on economic growth. First, how to hire employees face-to-face during a pandemic. Examples of production employees who cannot do their work at home because the production process requires machines that must be operated in the company and the work cannot be brought home or company-owned machine assets, and in contrast to office staff who can do their work at home and conduct online meetings. Third, how to handle workers who are suspected of being infected with COVID-19 according to the Ministry of Health's handling standards and continue to work productively in companies. Like when an employee is suspected of being infected with the corona, automatically the employee cannot carry out his activities within the company because it can spread to other employees and how these employees can work productively even in independent isolation places or at home. Fourth, how to get employees involved in preventing the spread of COVID-19, it is quite difficult to engage employees in breaking the chain of distribution outside the company environment.Based on the background that has been described, the formulation of the problem of this research is how the leader strategy in human resource management during the pandemic in the case of PT.

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