
Online knowledge-sharing (OKS) behaviour has become a critical and inevitable component in recognising knowledge as a valuable resource to enhance an organisation’s competitive advantage. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the organisational factors that determine OKS behaviour in an online environment within the context of savings and loans cooperative organisations (SACCOs) in Kenya. A comprehensive literature review revealed that limited studies have been conducted to investigate the role of organisational factors in OKS behaviour from a knowledge-based perspective. The study used quantitative and qualitative research to collect and analyse data in a case study by means of three data collection instruments: online self-administered questionnaires, a moderator’s guide and an interview schedule. The accessible population of the study comprised 485 employees in selected SACCOs in Nakuru city. A sample of 245 was selected for the survey and another sample of 72 employees who participated in the survey (eight from each SACCO) was selected to take part in the focus group discussions. In addition, eight senior managers took part in the in-depth interviews. An environment conducive to working and a friendly organisational culture were identified by employees as the key determinates of their OKS behaviour in the organisation. Hence, it is argued that it is critical for SACCOs to develop strategies capable of modifying the working environment and organisational culture to enhance employees’ OKS behaviour through online internal communication (OIC) tools.

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