
This research paper attempt to investigate the critical relationship between the interplay of organizational dynamics and perceptions of local government autonomy in Nigeria political system. A comprehensive analysis of grade level distribution, departmental structure, and length of service among respondents forms the fulcrum of this study. The study unveils the diverse tapestry of influences shaping attitudes towards local government autonomy in Kogi State, Nigeria. Key findings highlight the pivotal role of mid-level professionals (grade levels 11 to 13), the varied priorities across departments, and the dynamic evolution of perceptions over time. Informed by these insights, our recommendations emphasized tailored strategies, leadership empowerment, and continuous engagement to foster an organizational environment that values and champions local government autonomy in Nigeria. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the organizational intricacies influencing local governance and offers practical insights for policymakers and administrators seeking to enhance local government autonomy in Nigeria political systems.

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