
A BULLETIN on the subject of visual instruction recently received from the University of Wisconsin is of great value as showing the remarkable results which have been obtained by the collection and distribution on an elaborate scale of material for the development of this method of teaching. The fact that in Wisconsin “the circuit plan of distribution” has been in operation for six years “with increasingly gratifying results,” enables the authorities to speak with great weight on the subject. The Bulletin deals not only in considerable detail with every department of the organisation, but also gives valuable suggestions for overcoming difficulties such as the transport, storage, and repairing of films and lantern slides. An idea of the great importance attached to visual instruction by the University may be obtained from the fact that a room in the University extension building has been fitted up and equipped with stereopticons, motion-picture machines, and projection apparatus of many of the leading makes. Teachers and committees are invited to visit Madison at any time to inspect these machines side by side and compare their respective merits with one another. It is also possible at the same time to become better acquainted with the visual instruction plans and purposes of the university extension division as well as with the stock of material.

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