
Medical registries have shown their potential for medical research in different areas of healthcare in the past. The United States of America uses the well-known national ophthalmology registry Intelligent Research in Sight (IRIS®), on the basis of which insights into the ophthalmological care situation in the USA can be gained. Comparable projects do not currently exist in Germany. The oregis is the first disease-independent registry to collect comprehensive data in the field of ophthalmology in Germany for the purpose of healthcare research. The oregis collects anonymized clinical patient information from all subfields of ophthalmology and makes it available for research purposes. Participating centers read their data into the registry free of charge and preferably in an automated fashion. Currently, the oregis parameter list contains about 600 parameters, of which about 100 are used in the current pilot phase. Since its initiation, the German ophthalmological registry oregis has compiled data on more than 1.75million physician visits for more than 400,000 patients from German ophthalmologic centers. As of late 2022, more than 2.8million visual acuity measurements and an equal number of intraocular pressure measurements have been recorded. The aim of the oregis project is to establish anationwide ophthalmology databank that forms the basis for alearning healthcare system in the field of ophthalmology. With the help of continuous updating, oregis can also illustrate short-term innovations in ophthalmological care.

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