
Quantum computing plays a crucial role in solving complex problems for which classical supercomputers require an impractical amount of time. This emerging paradigm has the potential to revolutionize various fields such as cryptography, chemistry, and finance, making it a highly relevant area of research and development. Major companies such as Google, Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft, along with prestigious research institutions such as Oxford and MIT, are investing significant efforts into advancing this technology. However, the lack of a standardized approach among different providers poses challenges for developers to effectively access and utilize quantum computing resources. In this study, we propose a quantum orchestrator that is designed to facilitate the orchestration and execution of quantum circuits across multiple quantum service providers. The proposed solution aims to simplify the process for developers and facilitate the execution of quantum tasks using resources offered by different providers. The proposal is validated with the implementation of the proposed orchestrator for Amazon Braket and IBM Quantum. It can support both quantum and classical developers in defining, configuring, and executing circuits independently of the selected provider.

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