
Do oral mucosal mechanoreceptors affect antral motility? PDLMs are activated by tooth movements in chewing. These also occur during simulated mastication, activating antral motility (Can J Physiol Pharmacol 78:29, 2000) and gastric emptying (J Dent Res 81:302, 2002). Because a mouthful of food contacts all oral tissues, the antral motility effects of stimulating 8 oral mucosal sites under pentobarbital were sought. 9 groups of 8 adult female rats fasted 18h. Visual observations avoided disturbing the stomach for cannula or transducer attachment. All studies had 3 five minute periods: baseline, procedure, and post‐procedure. The mucosal procedure was 5 min of gentle movement of a teflon rod against: the mandibular gingiva, anterior & posterior tongue & its undersurface, the oral floor, buccal mucosa, & hard & soft palates. PDLMs were activated by opening & closing the jaw so opposing molars contacted each other extremely gently. This simulated mastication was done 30 times in 12 sec with a 3 sec rest. This sequence was repeated 20 times in 5 min. Statistical analysis: ANOVA & Bonferroni. No mucosal site affected antral motility; their ANOVA P values were 0.173 to 0.969. By contrast, PDLM activation had ANOVA P = 0.010. Its 3 period values (mean + s.d.) were 2.88 + 2.47, 5.50 + 4.11, 8.00 + 2.00. Between the first and last values P = 0.003. PDLMs are the sole basis of periodontogastric reflexes. Personal research support.

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