
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to document the oral hygiene and nutrition habits of young people (aged 18 to 25) in Greece. Material and Methods: In a random sample of 100 people in Greece aged 18 to 25, a questionnaire including 23 questions (4 demographical and 19 other) was given. The frequency, the usual reason for visiting the dentist, the frequency of brushing, the type of toothbrush and the criteria for choosing toothbrush and toothpaste were searched. The nutrition habits were recorded as frequency in receiving sugar or no sugar meals during the day. The statistical analysis included frequencies and the use of chi-square test for interrelation with the demographical questions. Results: 72% of the sample visits the dentist at least once a year, while the reason for visiting was prevention in 69%. 85% brushes at least twice a day, and the same percentage uses medium hardness toothbrush. The choice of the toothpaste is based on flavour and fragrance in 25%. The frequency of receiving sugar meals was recorded as 45% once daily and 43% in 2 or 3 times daily (p<0.05 between smokers and non smokers). 78% of the young people receives less than 5 meals and snacks per day. There was no statistically significant difference between different available monthly budgets in the sample for the oral hygiene and nutrition habits. Conclusion: More than 1/3 of young people in Greece aged 18 to 25 visits the dentist at least once yearly for prevention and uses medium hardness toothbrush. The frequency of sugar consumption was significantly higher in smokers when compared to non smokers. Statistically significant differences were not observed between males and females except for the frequency in brushing (p<0.05). A review of the literature was performed for issues related to this project:.

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