
Abstract Disclosure: J.C. Nwachukwu: None. J.W. Njeri: None. T. Venables: None. C. Seath: None. M.E. Pipkin: None. Y. Hou: None. B.S. Katzenellenbogen: None. J.A. Katzenellenbogen: None. K.W. Nettles: None. We recently developed Dual Mechanism Estrogen Receptor-α (ERα) Inhibitors (DMERI) with more antagonist efficacy than selective ERα modulators (SERMs) such as tamoxifen, and selective ERα degraders (SERDs) such as fulvestrant in certain breast cancer models. Current models of anti-estrogen action are largely based on genomics studies in growth arrested cells, where the effects primarily reversed estradiol-mediated gene expression. In that context, most ER antagonists, especially the SERDs, show very little gene activation. We were interested in understanding antagonist mechanism of action in asynchronous cells that were growing in intact medium that had not been charcoal-stripped to remove estradiol and growth factors. RNA-seq of asynchronous MCF-7 cells treated with 4-hydroxytamoxifen, fulvestrant, a SERM-like DMERI, and a SERD-like DMERI showed that all four classes of ligands equally up-regulated and down-regulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs), which included a core set of regulatory networks, as well as ligand-selective gene networks. The number of DEGs predicted efficacy, with tamoxifen regulating few genes, and the SERD-like DMERI regulating the most genes. The SERD-like DMERI also inhibited expression of many more genes that encode cell cycle regulators and key cancer drivers, such as ERα, AKT1, HRAS, and several growth factor receptors. Landscape in silico analysis based on chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-seq data suggests that recruitment of the ERα MegaTrans complex in collaboration with the oxysterol receptor, LXRα, predicts up-regulation, while cooperation with the retinoblastoma-associated proteins, RB1 and RBL1, predicts down-regulation of target genes. APEX2-mediated proximity labeling in asynchronous cells revealed that fulvestrant and the SERD-like DMERI labeled both coactivators and corepressors. Both compounds also increase labeling of STAG1 and other cohesin subunits that coordinate chromatin looping, while also associating with the nuclear matrix protein Lamin B1 and heterochromatin-associated proteins. These data suggest that antagonists have dual roles in genome organization. An shRNAmiR screen targeting over 300 chromatin regulatory factors revealed networks of shared and exclusive coregulators used by antiestrogens, including the heterochromatin protein, CBX1, which was exclusively required for growth inhibition by fulvestrant, and subunits of histone acetylase and methylase complexes such as KMT2A (the catalytic subunit of the MLL1 complex), which were broadly required. Thus, antiestrogen-driven growth suppression involves both common and ligand-selective transcriptional regulatory networks through utilization of both coactivators and corepressors. Supported by NIH R01CA220284 and BCRF-083 and BCRF-084 grants. Presentation Date: Friday, June 16, 2023

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