
The purposeful creation and use of highly productive animals largely depends on information laid down in their genes that control valuable economic useful features. The actual task is to identify and use marker genes that are responsible for displaying a certain sign of animals, in particular, the level of milk productivity. To create new forms of animals with a combination of high productivity and adaptability to various factors of external influences, for this purpose, for a long time in Ukraine, work was carried out to improve the Simmental cattle using the Red-Spoptted Holstein breed. It was supposed to that the increase in the number of animals with a part of the heredity of Red-Spoptted Holstein to 70–80% will allow to receive herds, which are characterized by good adaptive capacity, fat-dairy, high growth and meat qualities, as well as high milk yield. The searches were carried out on cows (pure-bred Simmentals and between ½ and ¾ in terms of the heredity of the Red-Spoptted Holstein breed), which were divided into groups with different levels of milk productivity for the first lactation (on the milk yield and content of fat in milk). The genetic structure was estimated by genetically determined polymorphism of groups of genetic-biochemical systems. Experiments were conducted on erythrocytes and blood plasma.Blood from animals was taken from a jugular vein in a heparin test tube. Polymorphism of proteins and enzymes was evaluated using a method of electrophoretic protein separation in 13% starch gel in horizontal chambers followed by histochemical staining. The obtained data testify that differences of animals on such parameters of dairy as milk yield for 305 days of the first lactation and the content of fat in milk is accompanied by unequal differentiation of their genetic structures by different genetic-biochemical systems. With the difference in milk yield, the most pronounced changes are observed with the transferrin locus, and in the analysis of groups of animals differing in the fat content of milk – by the AM-1 locus. This suggests that, based on such cases of negative correlations between these features, specific interlocal interactions may be based on different genetic and biochemical systems. It can be argued that the development of such searches may lead to the discovery of characteristic genotypes by a complex of genetic-biochemical systems, closely related to the corresponding complex of economic useful features.


  • The purposeful creation and use of highly productive animals largely depends on information laid down in their genes that control valuable economic useful features

  • The genetic structure was estimated by genetically determined polymorphism of groups of genetic-biochemical systems

  • Polymorphism of proteins and enzymes was evaluated using a method of electrophoretic protein separation in 13% starch gel in horizontal chambers followed by histochemical staining

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V.Y., Bodnar, P.V., Zhmur, A.J., Muzyka, L.I., Kropyvka, Y.G., Orihivsjkyj, T.V., & Pоslavska, J.V. (2018). With the difference in milk yield, the most pronounced changes are observed with the transferrin locus, and in the analysis of groups of animals differing in the fat content of milk – by the AM-1 locus This suggests that, based on such cases of negative correlations between these features, specific interlocal interactions may be based on different genetic and biochemical systems. Актуальним завданням є виявлення і використання маркерних генів, які відповідають за прояв певної ознаки тварин, зокрема рівня молочної продуктивності. Тому використання сперми плідників-носіїв ціних господарсько корисних алелів може за короткий термін підвищити показники молочної продуктивності корів під час створення високопродуктивних стад із бажаними ознаками (Novak et al, 2012; Stavec'ka, 2013; Kuziv and Fedorovych, 2016). Метою наших досліджень було вивчення генетичної структури корів симентальської породи, які мали різний рівень молочної продуктивності за першу лактацію

Матеріал і методи досліджень
Результати та їх обговорення
Групи корів за продуктивністю першої лактації
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