Flies use specialized photoreceptors R7 and R8 in the dorsal rim area (DRA) to detect skylight polarization. R7 and R8 form a tiered waveguide (central rhabdomere pair, CRP) with R7 on top, filtering light delivered to R8. We examine how the division of a given resource, CRP length, between R7 and R8 affects their ability to code polarization angle. We model optical absorption to show how the length fractions allotted to R7 and R8 determine the rates at which they transduce photons, and correct these rates for transduction unit saturation. The rates give polarization signal and photon noise in R7, and in R8. Their signals are combined in an opponent unit, intrinsic noise added, and the unit’s output analysed to extract two measures of coding ability, number of discriminable polarization angles and mutual information. A very long R7 maximizes opponent signal amplitude, but codes inefficiently due to photon noise in the very short R8. Discriminability and mutual information are optimized by maximizing signal to noise ratio, SNR. At lower light levels approximately equal lengths of R7 and R8 are optimal because photon noise dominates. At higher light levels intrinsic noise comes to dominate and a shorter R8 is optimum. The optimum R8 length fractions falls to one third. This intensity dependent range of optimal length fractions corresponds to the range observed in different fly species and is not affected by transduction unit saturation. We conclude that a limited resource, rhabdom length, can be divided between two polarization sensors, R7 and R8, to optimize opponent coding. We also find that coding ability increases sub-linearly with total rhabdom length, according to the law of diminishing returns. Consequently, the specialized shorter central rhabdom in the DRA codes polarization twice as efficiently with respect to rhabdom length than the longer rhabdom used in the rest of the eye.
Sunlight is polarized by scattering and reflection, and many animals take advantage of this to guide tasks such as orientation, prey detection and water surface detection (Wehner, 2001)
We evaluate this trade-off using a series of models, an optical model of photon absorption by R7 and R8, a model that accounts for the saturation of transduction units at high light levels, and an opponent model of polarization coding that introduces intrinsic noise
We find that with a central rhabdomere pair (CRP) of fixed length, similar to that observed in the Dorsal Rim Area (DRA), there are length fractions; i.e., divisions of the CRP between R7 and R8, that optimize polarization coding by maximizing signal to noise ratio (SNR)
Sunlight is polarized by scattering and reflection, and many animals take advantage of this to guide tasks such as orientation, prey detection and water surface detection (Wehner, 2001). To detect polarization patterns in the sky, many insects use a specialised region in the eye, the Dorsal Rim Area (DRA) (Labhart & Meyer, 1999). The DRA is a narrow band of ommatidia along the dorsal margin of the eye, containing specialised central photoreceptors R7 and R8 (Wada, 1974a). How to cite this article Heras and Laughlin (2017), Optimizing the use of a sensor resource for opponent polarization coding. In the DRA, the rhabdomeres of R7 and R8 are not twisted (Wunderer & Smola, 1982a), and they present high PS (Hardie, 1984)
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