
Network operators diversify service offerings and enhance network efficiency by leveraging bandwidth-variable transceivers and colorless flexible-grid reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers (ROADMs). Nonetheless, the paradigm shift from rigid to elastic optical networks (EONs) has affected several key parameters, including bit rate, center frequency spacing, modulation format, and optical reach. This study investigated the transformative impact of emerging technologies on the design and structure of optical network architectures, including spectrally efficient multicarrier systems and bandwidth-variable wavelength-selective switches. A cost-effective ROADM architecture applying an order-based connecting approach was introduced, which presented a high connectivity level and a blockage probability of less than 10-4. When this architecture was implemented in the EON, the data transportation rate was 1 Tb/s. This outcome successfully accommodated a 20 % surge in traffic demand, while the optimized network architecture significantly improved fiber utilization by 3.4 %. Consequently, this study contributed a practical and efficient solution for implementing flexible optical networks, effectively addressing current concerns and propelling the optical communication system sector forward.

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