
The problem of deploying units against an opposing force is of particular importance to ground commanders. Currently, Army tactical staffs do not have a method to minimize the ratio of force. Force ratio is calculated during the G3's (division or corps operations officer) estimate of the situation. We present a simple heuristic for tactically positioning units in a way which minimizes the sum of resulting force ratios. As part of the military planning process, staffs analyze different dispositions of friendly forces proposed as courses of action. Neither the staff nor the commander can determine whether a proposed course of action is one which minimizes the ratio of resulting force. This problem requires sophisticated mathematics and lots of time to find the best solution. However, often times, an approximate solution that can be obtained quickly will do. We present a simple and quick method which obtains a very good, approximate solution to the force ratio problem. The ground commander could then consider an option which incorporates the critical decision criterion of force ratio. Further, with this course of action as the force ratio standard, the commander and his staff could identify potentially critical flaws in defense planning.

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