
Productivity of a sea port depends, in part, on stacking cranesworking in blocks of its storage yard. Each container leaving ablock must be moved by a storage-yard crane to a buffer zone duringa specific time window so it can reach its destination on time.Containers entering a block for storage must be moved out of thebuffer zone sufficiently soon to avoid overflow. In this paper, weformulate integer linear programs to prescribe movements totransport and stack containers in storage yards using one and twoequally-sized Automated Stacking Cranes (ASCs) working with straddlecarriers. Using real world data, we construct test problems varyingboth the number of container bays and fullness of the block. We findthat one ASC working alone requires up to 70% more time than twoASCs working together to accomplish the same container movements.Optimal solutions of the integer linear programs are typicallyobtained in only a few seconds.

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