When the fault current in high voltage direct current (HVDC) systems rises to a higher level, the DC circuit breakers will have either insufficient capacity or will require larger sizes with increased costs. Fault current limiters (FCLs) can reduce the turn-off stress and the stringent requirements on breakers, thereby also lowering their cost. The use of saturated core FCLs, which have fast response times and low power loss, is a promising approach for this issue. However, the parameter design principles for this kind of FCL has so far not been discussed in the literature. The design is often based on reactors that does not consider the transient performance. In this study, an optimized design method for permanent magnets saturated core FCLs in HVDC transmission systems, is proposed. The constraint conditions, parameter optimization and modification steps are discussed, and an optimized FCL design is obtained with the lowest cost and expected current-limiting function. Both simulations and experiments are conducted, and the results demonstrate the validation of the proposed method. Finally, a cost evaluation among main types of inductive FCLs is carried out and suggestions for scaling up saturated core FCLs to HVDC applications are given.
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