
The utilization of water resources encompasses activities related to providing water for human needs, one of which is irrigation water supply. In this research, optimization techniques are employed to optimize the availability of irrigation water in order to achieve maximum agricultural production and profit, as well as more effective and efficient irrigation utilization. The optimization technique used in this crop pattern optimization study employs linear programming through the use of the POM QM application. This study plans for 3 alternatives involving 2 different crops, namely corn and peanuts. Alternative 1 implements the cropping pattern for MT I in November, alternative 2 for MT I in November II, and alternative 3 for MT I in December I. Among the planned alternatives, the cropping pattern that yields maximum profit is alternative 3, which results in a rice cultivation area of 634.15 hectares for MT I, 15.22 hectares for MT II, 3.1 hectares for corn, and 7.5 hectares for peanuts. The achieved profit in one year is Rp 11,553,320,000 for the cropping pattern with corn and Rp 11,566,000,000 for the cropping pattern with peanuts.

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